Court of Governors

We have a committed Board of Governors offering their expertise for the welfare of the school.

Chair of Governors Mr E Lipton BSc (Hons), MBA, FRSA, FRICS
Vice Chair of the Court of Governors Mrs S J Miller BA (Hons)
Governors Mrs Kamal Dhillon BSc (Hons)
Mr A Millet BA, MBA, FCA
Mrs M Moore Msc (Dist), BA (Hons); FCIPD
Mr Noyan Nihat
Dr K O’Neill-Byrne BA (Hons), MB, BCh., BAO, Dip. Clin. Psych.,  FRCPsych.
Mrs M Patel MBA
Mr T Poole BSc (Hons) Arch Eng, BA (Hons) Arch, Dip Arc
Mr M Skelly BEng (Hons), PhD, RAEngVTF
Mr Nigel Taylor MA
Mr David Tyme LLB (Hons)
Mr V Hales
Mr J Bentall MA, PhD (Cantab), MBA, ACII, MCMI, JP
Ms L Péchard
Governance Manager Ms J Hall
Link Areas Governor
Cobham Hall Mr Noyan Nihat
Safeguarding Mr Nigel Taylor MA
Boarding Dr Kiki O’Neill-Byrne BA (Hons), MB, BCh, BAO, Dip. Clin. Psych., FRCPsych
Health and Safety Mr Mark Skelly BEng (Hons) PhD RAEngVTF



To contact the Chair of the Court of Governors, Mr Elliot Lipton, please email The Mill Hill School Foundation Clerk to the Governors Ms Juliet Hall via