Sixth Form Information Evening: 5th October 2022, 6.30pm – 8.00pm
Join us for an evening getting to know Cobham Hall, our staff, students and life in our Sixth Form.
Our Sixth Form Information Evening will offer you a taste of life at Cobham Hall. You’ll be welcomed by our Leadership Team, staff and students, who will introduce Cobham Hall and all we have to offer.
The event will open with a talk from senior staff about life at Cobham Hall, the benefits of our Sixth Form, and the extra support and individual focus given to prepare students for the next stage of their education. You will be able to speak informally with senior staff and teachers, as well as with current Sixth Form students, and to visit our new Sixth Form Centre.
Please complete the form below to register your attendance, and a member of Admissions will be in touch.