Halloween spirit came to Cobham Hall in November, with a pumpkin-carving competition from the Art Department, a Halloween Bake & Sweet sale, and a Halloween party with guests from Mill Hill.
In mid-October, our Art Department encouraged staff, students and parents to carve pumpkins for a competition. The School community had the half-term holiday to create their best pumpkin and submit a photo to Head of Art Mrs Walsh. The winner was announced on Friday, 5th November. Congratulations to Henrietta, Year 9, who won art supplies.
Our Parent-Teacher body, The Unicorn Association, hosted a Halloween-themed Bake & Sweet sale before half-term, raising funds for their next project.
Finally, on the first Saturday after half-term welcomed students from our fellow Foundation schools, Mill Hill Senior and Mill Hill International. Students were encouraged to don their spookiest fancy dress costumes, and the party was held in our Gilt Hall. It was the students’ first mixer event since Covid and it was an enjoyable evening for all.