Congratulations, Martha

Posted: 21st April 2022

Congratulations to Martha, Year 9, who won the Arts/Humanities category for the Year 9 Aristotelian Award!

Launched by The Perse School, the Aristotelian Award is a nationwide competition to inspire youngsters to develop independent research skills in the fields of Arts/Humanities and Science. Upon hearing the news that she had won, Martha said, “I am absolutely thrilled and amazed to have won the Arts/Humanities category for the Year 9 Aristotelian Award. It’s a huge honour. I was challenged and inspired by the question of whether history always repeats itself, and I learned so much about human nature in history by being encouraged to do my own research. I finished the essay before the recent catastrophic events in Ukraine, but my studies into sieges, depressions, annihilations and empires now seems very timely. I think the past offers us very important clues about the dangerous and heroic tendencies of humanity.”

Click here to read Martha’s essay, ‘History Always Repeats Itself”


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