Investment and Refurbishment

Posted: 4th September 2023

Our programme of investment and refurbishment continued apace over the summer holidays, as our Estates team turned their hand to some transformational renovations in and around Cobham Hall.

Brooke and Bligh House

Brooke and Bligh House boarders were thrilled by their refurbished rooms, complete with new furniture which is both modern and practical. There were even shrieks of excitement from Bligh students when they saw their new bathroom upstairs: ‘It’s like a hotel!’, one was heard to say. The boarders are already adding all their own personal touches to make the rooms even more like home and are looking forward to their upcoming IKEA trip this weekend for further inspiration.

Lady Darnley’s Garden Steps

We are deeply grateful to the Cobham Hall Heritage Trust for funding the refurbishment, this summer, of the staircase in Lady Darnley’s Garden. Thanks to their donation, the School was able to reconstruct the steps to allow students, staff and visitors easy access to view he historic gardens.

T-Block Restrooms

The maintenance team has also been busy refurbishing the restrooms in our Teaching Block. The refurbishment involved a full restoration, replacement and upgrade: below you can see the results of the transformation.

Our thanks to our Estates Manager, Mr Allen, and his team for the hard work they put into making these transformations possible, and to other on-site resident volunteers who lent a hand when needed.


Categories: Cobham Hall